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Come hang out at www.wealthwithtess.com

Do you feel like you're missing the knowledge you need to confidently grow your money through investing?

If you...

  • ​Know you should be investing more so that you can retire comfortably but you're not sure where to start 
  • ​Want to have access to money now AND in retirement but are not sure when to save vs. invest
  • ​​Have some investments but aren't sure if you're "doing it right" and don't want to spend hours managing your investments
  • ​Have someone else managing your investments but have no idea what they are doing
  • ​Have anxiety about your financial future and want more security, options, and freedom  

....you're in the right place.

I get it. I've been there.

$80,000. That's how much money I lost in investing mistakes in my 20's.

I didn't know how to manage my 401(k) or any other investments.

I couldn't figure out when I should be saving and when I should be investing. 

I didn't know what my financial advisor was doing and I lost thousands by trusting the wrong person.

Over the last decade, I've built my net worth to over 1 million as a single woman, using simple investing strategies ANYONE can do.

Now it's your turn. 

Here's the deal.

You're NOT "bad at money." 

Our education system fails to teach us one of the most important pieces of financial literacy - investing.

The good news? You are 100% capable of growing your money using simple investing strategies.  

All you need is a basic education. 

If you're finally ready to...

  • ​Make more money now so that you can stop feeling behind and finally get ahead.
  • ​Get your finances organized so you know exactly when to save, when to invest, how to invest, and how to save BIG on taxes.
  • ​Make your hard earned money grow without working more, so that you can retire comfortably or chase whatever dream is in you...

Then it's time for you to become Money Confident. 


  • Building wealth with a low maintenance investing plan working for you on auto-pilot.
  • ​Eventually stepping away from your 9 to 5 to do more of what you love.
  • Having complete confidence that you were going to retire comfortably and be able to take care of your family and loved ones, no matter what.


The Money Confident Program

A 4-week, small group coaching program, designed specifically for women in their 30's and 40's, that will teach you how to grow your money and save on taxes, so that you can retire comfortably (or even early) and design a life that you love. With direct access to an investing expert and millionaire, this is the fast pass you need to quickly ditch your financial anxiety and get into the driver's seat of your financial future.

When you complete the Money Confident Program, 
you'll be able to:

  • ​Eliminate financial overwhelm by getting a clear understanding of when to save and when to invest
  • ​Save money on taxes by using the right retirement accounts and avoiding hidden fees that can eat away at your investments.
  • ​Learn how to set-up a simple investment profile that works for you on auto-pilot and helps you build wealth over time 
  • ​Get live hands-on support with a "Do-It-Together" Approach so that you ditch your financial anxiety and start getting results

Step by Step Videos + Live Support + Community
Money Confidence

(Limited seats available)

Hear from past participants...

When I abandoned my entire life/home to leave my abusive ex, I spent 18k in one month to completely restart my life and the month after your course I made exactly 18k!!!! I love when the higher power gives us those full circle moments to show us that we’re on the right path 💛🙏🥹

This course was the catalyst in a complete 180 change in my financial life. Before the course I was completed scared of money and math....I made all the excuses in the book. A month after taking this program, I made more money than I've ever made in my life.

I now have an emergency fund, an IRA, I'm investing automatically every single month. 
Thank you Tess!

 - Morgan

Featured in

Hi, I'm Tess (She/Her)

I became a self-made millionaire at 35 thanks to investing. 

But I made some BIG mistakes that cost me thousands of dollars over time....roughly $80,000 down the drain in my 20's. 

After a hard lesson learned, I spent all of my free time learning from books, taking classes, talking to millionaire investors and I learned one incredible truth about investing: 

The SIMPLEST strategies work the best.

Investing gives me the freedom to spend more time doing the things I love with people I love...for me that's traveling, hiking, helping amazing women grow their wealth and careers.

Most women don't learn to invest because they think it's too complicated (I sure did).

The real truth is that we can't afford to wait to start building wealth if we want to retire comfortably.

This is your year to start building real wealth. Let's go.

Dawn on Money Confident...
Reaching out to you and taking your course is probably the best thing I ever did, because it gave me that basic information so that I could make decisions on my own and to feel good about the decisions I was making."

"Since finishing the program I feel so much more capable. I can actually look at investing accounts and understand what I am invested in and know exactly what I want to change.

I was originally only investing $200 in a Roth IRA. After taking your course and learning about compound interest and realizing how much of a difference that makes in my ability to retire comfortably, I'm up to $500 a month and I'm looking into maxing out this year!

Becca C. on Money Confident...
This is a program for everyone. You don't need to have any background or education in finance. It's really for every day people.

Since completing Money Confident I purchased my first stocks. What was really good was that I actually knew what I was doing! I was able to go in and pick a brokerage I wanted, the accounts I wanted, and know what I was buying.

I also know what fees I'm paying now. I know exactly what I'm doing rather than just guessing."  

Peter's thoughts on Money Confident...
Taking your course is the first place anyone should start.

The way it breaks down the information every week of the course is so digestible.

I was a person who had no clue what I was doing and you really did give me the confidence to be able to go out and do this on my own.

For those people who have imposter syndrome or think that there is no way they will ever be able to wrap there head around this just start here and you will see for yourself that it's worth signing up and taking the time to walk through it"  

What's Included?

Weekly Small Group 
Coaching Sessions For 4 Weeks

Small group coaching calls with mini-lessons to help you implement what you are learning and LIVE Q&A

Money Confident Online Investing Course 

Access to the entire online video course (valued at $3,000 alone), with easy to understand information and actionable next steps to get your money invested fast. 

Financial Wellness Planner and Cheat Sheets

Set goals, track spending, pick your simple investments and more with your financial wellness planner and cheat sheets. 

BONUSES you get when you sign up now!

  • BONUS: Video walkthrough of one of my retirement accounts and explanation of investments (and why!)
  • ​​BONUS: Salary Negotiation Workshop  (This is a paid workshop that I've included in the program that will totally change the way you approach negotiation.)
  • BONUS: Guest experts on topics including  House Hacking (real-estate investing), Life Insurance 101, Money Mindset, and Resume Building 

What Money Confident course participants are saying…

"I will go as far as saying this course has changed my life." - Vikki

"It's been 3 weeks and you've already helped me create an entire system to reach my 4 million goal for retirement" - Christina

"Since finishing this course, I learned how to plan my spending each month, started to save for future trips, and finally opened up an investment account!" - Amy

"As a financial professional I felt embarrassed by my knowledge gap. Now i know for sure I can and will increase my wealth. " - Jennyfer

"My biggest takeaway was realizing I was leaving money on the table. I now have a better understanding and handle on my finances, short term and long term goals" - Coleen

"Since starting  this course, I've been able to choose funds with lower fees (so my money stays with me)  and I feel confident to make money moves I was unsure of in the past." - Rachel

Money Confident has been so instrumental for helping me make big financial decisions that I had no clue how to make before taking this course. Tess, gave me so many resources to continue to build my financial skills. 

I can't recommend this course enough. Tess is someone who is not just going to give this information but will advocate for you and help you advocate for yourself."   
_ Emily

"I had a financial advisor but I didn't understand all the lingo and the the things they were telling me or how they were making decisions about my money. This course provided the basics I needed to make better choices for myself in the future." 
- Mikaela

"You will only benefit from taking this class and you'll gain an awesome amount of support from Tess. She is with you every step of the way, and long after the course is over. Highly Recommend. 5 out 5 stars." 
- Leah

Money Confident Program Details 

  • 6+ hours of educational video to walk you through exactly how to invest simply and successfully ($3,000 value)
  • ​Weekly Small Group Coaching Calls for 4 Weeks($4000 value)
  • Members Only ​Slack Group Access ($2000)
  • ​​Financial Wellness Planner ($200 value)
  • ​Cheat sheets, retirement guides, and more ($100 value)
  • BONUS #1: Bonus guest expert and video content including a walkthrough of one of my investing accounts! ($1,000 value) 
  • BONUS #2: Salary Negotiation Workshop ($priceless)
  • BONUS #3: 1x1 time with me  ($700)

A total value $10,300

All for a one-time payment of 
two payments of $499

Peak inside Money Confident

I know you don't have a ton of time on your hands. So I'll teach you how invest in just 4 weeks--even if you have zero knowledge or are super short-on-time.

By the end of the program you'll implement an easy low-maintenance investing strategy, 
growing your money on auto-pilot.

Financial Foundations

  • Set your goals and find your WHY's to get you on the path to financial success
  • Calculate your net worth so you know where you stand now
  • ​Calculate your financial independence number to figure out how much you need to retire

Save big on taxes by using the right investing accounts

  • Save on taxes with the right retirement accounts (more than one is ideal for most people to maximize tax savings!)
  • Learn how to invest outside of retirement accounts in brokerage accounts

Investing Basics - Demystifying Financial Jargon

  • Learn stock market basics and demystify financial jargon so you can invest with confidence
  • Learn investing concepts that can you help you reduce your investing risk

Managing your Investments - Optimize 

  • Identify your investing style so that you can fit investing easily into your lifestyle in a way that works
  • ​Learn about money management tools that can make managing finances a piece of cake
  • ​Figure out your exact next steps to keep the ball rolling.

This course is backed by the Money Confident Money Back Guarantee.

Take 30 days to review the Money Confident course.

If you don't feel more confident about the basics of investing, I will issue you a full refund as long as you've watched all videos lessons in weeks 1 through 4 and joined at least 2 live classes.

Contact me directly and you'll get a hassle-free refund, directly from me. 

No refunds after 30 days from purchase date.


Can I google all this information?
Sure it's possible. The bigger question is, will you actually do it? Will you actually set aside the time to make it work? My goal is to save you time and money by packaging everything you need to know in one simple program that you can work through on your own time and get access to me to ask LIVE questions.

This is your fast pass to building wealth. 

Who is the best fit for Money Confident?
Anyone want's take control of their finances, grow their wealth over the long term, and reach financial independence. 

Who's not a good fit?
Anyone looking for a get rich quick scheme. There are no short cuts here, but you will have the information you need to get on the right path.

What if someone else is managing my money?
If your partner or a financial advisor is managing your investments, it is even MORE critical for you to learn this information. I've worked with too many people who have lost their partner, gone through a break up, and had no idea how their money was being managed. 

While there are some great financial advisors out there, not all of them are legally obligated to act in your best interest. Having a baseline understanding of how investing works is critical to protecting yourself and your family so that you can have intelligent conversations with your financial advisor. 

What if I'm in debt or don't have an emergency fund of cash?
If you have low interest debt such as a mortgage or student loans under 7%, you'll definitely want to start learning how to invest. If you have debt higher than that, you'll want to pay that off before you start investing. That being said, I would still recommend joining the program now because you will learn what you will need to do in the future to set yourself up for success.

Is this just for women? 
No! This is an inclusive no shame, no judgement community for everyone. 

What exactly do I get when I enroll today?
Access to all course videos, bonus videos, templates, worksheets, Slack community group, 1x1 time with me when you're ready (I recommend after week 4 of coaching calls), and you will be grandmothered (yep I changed it) into additional material I roll out in the future. 

How much time will it take me to see results?
If you do one lesson per week and set-up 1x1 time with me to review any questions, within 4 weeks you'll be able to open your investment account and select your own investments. 

My mission.

Given that money and investing is just as critical to our livelihood as nutrition and exercise, we just don’t talk about enough.

Because here’s the hard truth.

Only 26% of American women invest in the stock market, a 2018 report from S&P Global found. Women are also typically less confident in their ability to do it “the right way” and often skip the opportunity to invest all together or find a financial advisor to manage their investments for them and the costs of professional management can add up and in many cases, hurt more than help.

The bottom line is that women and minorities are less likely to invest contributing to gender and racial investing gaps.

Let’s change that.

Consider this an invitation to start a conversation about money. An invitation to build confidence in your own ability to protect your financial future, to grow your money, and to invest with ease in a style that works for you.

If you're a woman in your 30's or 40's you're not as far behind as you think...but your ability to retire comfortably is up to you. 

If you've been thinking about waiting until you have more time or money to start investing, I'm here to tell you that you will regret waiting. Every single one of my students wishes they started earlier. 

This is your moment.

I am not a financial advisor, portfolio manager, or accountant. This is not financial advice, investing advice, or tax advice. The information on this website and in the Money Confident program is for educational and recreational purposes only. Investment products discussed (ETFs, index funds, etc.) are for illustrative purposes only. It is not a recommendation to buy, sell, or otherwise transact in any of the products mentioned. 
 Past performance does not guarantee future returns.